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What the Lions Kids are saying!
StudentI love Lions! I am learning so much more than I did at school. I love the morning maths. I have made so many friends and I love hanging out with them at the meet ups. Its so cool we go rock climbing every week, its fun and good exercise!
StudentLions Education is the funnest school I have ever done. I love homeschooling because every day is a new adventure. Wednesday is Young Entrepreneurs Club where we learn skills we will need in the real world. Every day we have our Magic Mornings. I love learning things that I never would of learnt at a public school. Every day is an incredible learning experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything else.
StudentI have been at Lions for over a year now, and in that time, Lions have taught me things that my old school would never have covered such as how modern day windmills work, the Nuremberg Code and how to be more self-sufficient. The teachers have excellent methods that involve students working together and not just separately. Overall Lions is a great community and is the kind of environment that makes me excited to learn.