Learning Excursion Way of Life Tour at the Rocks


Learning excursion at the The Rocks Sydney

TICKET: 1 ticket required for each person participating

When: Thursday 2nd November
Where: The Rocks Sydney
Cost: $25 per ticket.



As we get started on our Unit of Study for Term 4- Discovering Our World~ Past & Present we have planned a learning excursion which will be a perfect supplement.  

On Thursday 2nd November, we will take part in a Way of Life Tour at the Rocks.

In this tour, the children will explore the old streets, laneways and cottages with the valuable assistance of the guide’s narrative skills and expertise in the social history of The Rocks. To complement the Unit of Study concepts including:

  • reflecting on the past

  • discovering our world past and present

  • our place in the present time

will be discussed. Other areas which might be covered will be:

  • British Colonisation of Australia and the impact on the indigenous Cadigal people

  • What was it like in the late 1800s and early 1900s

  • The way of life of working-class families

  • Domestic technology  Hygiene (What night did they take a bath?)

  • Sharing (How many children in the little bedrooms?)  –  Comfort (How did they keep warm in winter?)  etc.

  • Crowded backyards – where did the children play?

  • Education and Work – Did all the children go to the Ragged School?

  • Street conditions – Smells of another time

  • The traffic’s changed a lot on George Street

The excursion will be geared for all ages covering a broad range of History outcomes from the Australian and NSW curriculum.


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